
Saturday, November 5, 2011

콜롬비아 서부 산사태로 22명 사망

콜롬비아 서부 산사태로 22명 사망 콜롬비아 서부에서 산사태가 일어나 지금까지 적어도 22명이 숨졌다고 콜롬비아 정부가 발표했습니다. 정부 관계자는 현지 시각으로 5일 아침 발생한 산사태로 시신 6구를 추가로 발견해 사망자가 22명으로 늘었고 부상자는 17명으로 집계됐다고 밝혔습니다. ... 콜롬비아 서부 산사태로 22명 사망

Cicada Daydream: Critique Day

Cicada Daydream: Critique DayMy husband, Andrew, teaches Graphic Art at the High School of Art & Design in NYC. And 'cause he's married to me, he was heavily influenced to teach his last three senior classes a bit of textile design. He bases the project on a theme: year ...Cicada Daydream: Critique Day

Greece agreed to form coalition government

Greece agreed to form coalition government People BRUSSELS, Nov. 6 (Xinhua correspondent Zhang Jie) after lengthy negotiations, the Greek government and opposition parties agreed to prepare the establishment of a new coalition government. The current Prime Minister Papandreou will not be at the helm of a new government. Greece has experienced a day on speculation the Prime Minister will resign after Papin ...Greece agreed to form coalition government

Ronaldinho festeja goleada e tropeço dos rivais: "Estão deixando chegar"

Ronaldinho festeja goleada e tropeço dos rivais: "Estão deixando chegar" Antes de descer ao vestiário do Engenhão, Ronaldinho Gaúcho parou em frente à torcida e imitou a coreografia dos fanáticos, balançando os braços. A cena é a síntese da mensagem passada pelo camisa 10 do Flamengo após a vitória por 5 a 1 sobre o ... Ronaldinho festeja goleada e tropeço dos rivais: "Estão deixando chegar"

Pro1/B: Sudtirol espugna Trieste

Pro1/B: Sudtirol espugna TriestePro1/B: Sudtirol espugna Trieste (ANSA)-ROMA,6 NOV- Nel gir.B della 1/a Divisione (11/a giornata), Sudtirol vince a Trieste 2-1 e va in testa. 6 squadre inseguono. Andria-Bassano sospesa; Feralpi Salo'-Spezia 1-1; Frosinone-Cremonese domani; Pergocrema-Trapani 0-5; ... Pro1/B: Sudtirol espugna Trieste

Fuerzas nigerianas buscan a insurgentes tras ola de violencia

Fuerzas nigerianas buscan a insurgentes tras ola de violencia Fuerzas de seguridad nigerianas dijeron el domingo que estaban a la caza de militantes islámicos detrás de un ataque coordinado en el norte del país que dejó al menos 65 muertos, mientras los residentes afectados exigían al Gobierno que haga más por ... Fuerzas nigerianas buscan a insurgentes tras ola de violencia

Frontier Post :: Karachi News :: Day for preventing exploitation of ...

Frontier Post :: Karachi News :: Day for preventing exploitation of ...KARACHI (APP): The United Nations' (UN) International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict is held annually on November 6 to educate people about the damaging effects of war and armed ...Frontier Post :: Karachi News :: Day for preventing exploitation of ...

Libya's civil aviation industry hard reboot

Libya's civil aviation industry hard reboot Xinhua Tripoli November 6 (Reporter Yang Tian Dongdong only) October 31, NATO formally ended seven months of "no-fly zone," military action, the Libyan airspace control "return" benefit "of the National Transitional Committee. " Libya and the war stalled for months by the civil aviation industry began to hit hard restart. ...Libya's civil aviation industry hard reboot

Spor salonunda namaz, dışarıda kavurma - SOFYA

Spor salonunda namaz, dışarıda kavurma - SOFYA Bulgaristan'ın başkenti Sofya'nın Botunets semtinde oturan Müslümanlar, camileri olmadığı için bayram namazını spor salonunda kıldı. Namaz sonrası ise hayırseverler tarafından dağıtılan kavurma, Müslümanlara keyifli bir bayram havası yaşattı. ... Spor salonunda namaz, dışarıda kavurma - SOFYA


お好きなのてぶろで、二人で互いにやりあうみたいな構図が好きで、似たようなのばっか描いているんですけど、今回表情が定まらなくて数回描き直して、せっかくなのであげておきます。 てぶろぐの方に載せたいんだけど、いつになるか解からないし(笑) 1枚目最初にあげた ...お好きなの

Airbag - Rétros électriques - Rétros dégivrants - clim. auto - Radio CD ...

Airbag - Rétros électriques - Rétros dégivrants - clim. auto - Radio CD ... FORD S-Max 1.8 TDCi125 Titanium 7pl , 79000 kms. , Gris metal , garantie: 6 mois pièces et main d oeuvre , année millésime 2008. Equipements: ESP,Jantes Aluminium,Direction assistée,Rétroviseurs électriques dégivrants,Rétroviseurs rabattables ... Airbag - Rétros électriques - Rétros dégivrants - clim. auto - Radio CD ...

Austrian police arrested "underwear thief."

Austrian police arrested "underwear thief." Austrian police arrested one "special habit," the thief. The theft in the past four years, more than 800 suspected cases of theft, stealing women's underwear preferences. The suspect, aged 36, was in a bar in September the northern city of Linz, Austria, the police arrested him. 4, the Austrian police to identify this thief to steal the target for women ...Austrian police arrested "underwear thief."


财经时评:IPO收紧?市场的选择性理解 11月2日一天之内,四家IPO申请被否三家,功败垂成的这三家自然是无限落寞,但在市场中却有不少人"拍手称快"。"称快"源自于市场中的两种联想式解读,一为在新任证监会主席或许更强调提高IPO审核质量,二为管理层可能有 ... 财经时评:IPO收紧?市场的选择性理解

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