
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

国民投票回避へ協議 ギリシャ首相、連立模索

国民投票回避へ協議 ギリシャ首相、連立模索 Papandreou government in Greece - Athens - 3rd joint European Union (EU) to avoid a referendum over a comprehensive measure of the financial crisis has agreed, for the opposition coalition to establish, in consultation with the New Democracy Party entered into. Came the possibility of comprehensive measures to avoid this setback. ...国民投票回避へ協議 ギリシャ首相、連立模索


3日纽约汇市美元对多数主要货币下跌 受欧洲中央银行下调基准利率以及希腊取消公投计划消息影响,3日欧元对美元汇率小幅收高,美元对其他多数主要货币也下跌。 欧洲中央银行3日宣布将基准利率下调25个基点至1.25%,以刺激目前疲软的经济状况。受此影响,欧 ... 3日纽约汇市美元对多数主要货币下跌


古力元晟溱会师决赛(图) 南方日报讯 (记者/王会赟 实习生/吴建毓)第16届三星财产杯半决赛三番棋决胜局昨日战罢,中国棋手陈耀烨不敌韩国棋手元晟溱,从而以1比2被淘汰。元晟溱将与中国棋手古力争夺冠军。 两人前两局战成1比1平,昨天第三局重 ... 古力元晟溱会师决赛(图)

Shanghai-Hong Kong Cup Shanghai East Asia War arrival

Shanghai-Hong Kong Cup Shanghai East Asia War arrival (Roundup) (Sing Tao Daily reported) in preparation for tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock in the Mongkok Field Club Cup first leg of the Shanghai-Hong Kong, Shanghai East Asia, which arrived yesterday for the first class exercises. The Chairman of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Xu Genbao hope was closed cup, cup-like Guangdong and Hong Kong will follow the example of sustainable development, facilitation of exchange of football. Sina News has been set up in Hong Kong Facebook Page, you immediately grasp of local, Chinese and international news, financial ...Shanghai-Hong Kong Cup Shanghai East Asia War arrival

神八计划17日晚回家 组合体飞行12天再对接试验

神八计划17日晚回家 组合体飞行12天再对接试验 本报讯 (记者 杨华云 仲玉维)昨日上午10时,国务院新闻办新闻发布厅,中国载人航天工程新闻发言人武平称,按照计划,神八与天宫一号组合体飞行12天左右,将择机进行第二次交会对接试验,继续飞行2天。此后,两航天器分离 ... 神八计划17日晚回家 组合体飞行12天再对接试验

Zapatero pide al G-20 un mensaje de esperanza para Grecia

Zapatero pide al G-20 un mensaje de esperanza para Grecia El presidente del Gobierno, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, ha constatado en su intervención en el G-20 que se han realizado ajustes, reformas y consolidación fiscal en España. El presidente se ha mostrado partidario de estas medidas, que considera ... Zapatero pide al G-20 un mensaje de esperanza para Grecia

Milk 100 won rises bananamat

Milk 100 won rises bananamat # 1 of the convenience store beverage sales Binggrae bananamat commodity milk (240 ㎖) comes to the price from 10 to 1,100 won 1,200 won, 100 won (approximately 9.1%) said three days will be annoyed. Binggrae official "bananamat milk huinwooyu content reaches 85% of the total," said "according to the recent increase of crude oil is inevitable.Milk 100 won rises bananamat

Berlusconi, cada vez más presionado para dejar el poder

Berlusconi, cada vez más presionado para dejar el poder ROMA (Reuters) - El primer ministro italiano, Silvio Berlusconi, afrontaba el jueves una presión cada vez mayor para dejar el poder, después de que seis diputados que en el pasado respondían a su liderazgo pidieran un nuevo Gobierno y el gabinete no ... Berlusconi, cada vez más presionado para dejar el poder

[Star SNS] Today's hot topic - naughty fun hands hongseokcheon heard?

[Star SNS] Today's hot topic - naughty fun hands hongseokcheon heard? [Max movie = sinsangmin News] eoneudeot stars and fans became a social network of the communication space (the sns). Star of their own fans say goodbye to preach geunhwang geonnego yimojeomo fans out of their favorite stars go. Max, on November 3 this movie stars' sns looked at. ...[Star SNS] Today's hot topic - naughty fun hands hongseokcheon heard?

민주당 지도부“연내 야권통합정당 결성”

민주당 지도부 민주당이 내년 총선을 앞두고 야권 통합정당 구성을 구체적으로 제안하고 나서 성사 여부에 정치권의 관심이 쏠리고 있다. 민주당 손학규 대표는 3일 국회 정론관에서 기자회견을 갖고 △당내 민주진보통합추진위 구성 △11월 말까지 민주진보통합정당추진기구 구성 ... 민주당 지도부"연내 야권통합정당 결성"


富二代遭遇企业招聘歧视引网友激辩 中国经济网北京11月3日讯(记者张祎鑫)近日,在湖北武汉科技大学城市学院举行的一场招聘会上,一企业在招聘条件中赫然列出"学生会干部优先,拒绝富二代"。此消息一出,就有网友质疑该企业存炒作之嫌,舆论聚焦在"拒绝富 ... 富二代遭遇企业招聘歧视引网友激辩

Chen Chu, the anti-bribery and propaganda with the Attorney-recorded

Chen Chu, the anti-bribery and propaganda with the Attorney-recorded For the anti-bribery and propaganda against election violence, Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu, Kaohsiung District Prosecutors Office and the Attorney-Cai Ruizong cooperation, common today, recording tapes, propaganda does not sell tickets, buy tickets and control of violence is not involved in the election, and jointly maintain a clean election wind. Cairui Zong Chen Chu, accompanied by the Kaohsiung City Government to the municipal administrative center of four-dimensional marketing center studio, recording propaganda tapes, the first two exercises several times, but still recorded many times ...Chen Chu, the anti-bribery and propaganda with the Attorney-recorded

Bono abre hoy en la UPSA el Seminario 'Elecciones España 2011', que clausurará ...

Bono abre hoy en la UPSA el Seminario 'Elecciones España 2011', que clausurará ... El presidente del Congreso de los Diputados, José Bono, inaugurará este jueves el Seminario 'Elecciones España 2011', actividad organizada por el Máster en Asesoramiento de Imagen y Consultoría Política (MAICOP) de la Universidad Pontificia de ... Bono abre hoy en la UPSA el Seminario 'Elecciones España 2011', que clausurará ...

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